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Cara Memasang Emotion Keren Pada Blog

Cara Mudah Memasang Emotion Keren PAda Blog,apa kabar anda hari ini? pada kesempatan yang baik ini maz dani akan berbagi ilmu tentang tutorial blog Cara Memasang Emotion Keren  Pada komentar Blog,  berminat memasang emotion? berikut Cara Mudah Memasang Emotion Keren  Pada komentar Blog tanpa tools cukup dengan edit html
1.login pada blog anda
2.masuk menu template
3.pilih edit html lalu Cari kode </body> (CTRL +F) copy paste kode di bawah dan letakan tepan diatas kode </body> 

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>   
<script type='text/javascript'>
var emoRange = "#comments p, div.emoWrap",
    putEmoAbove = "iframe#comment-editor",
    emoMessage = "To insert emoticon you must added at least one space before the code.";

// Emoticon bar before comment-form
$(function() {
        .before('<div style="text-align:center" class="emoWrap"> :) :)) ;(( :-) =)) ;( ;-( :d :-d @-) :p :o :&gt;) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b  b-( :-# =p~ $-) (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer <br/><b>Click to see the code!</b><br/>To insert emoticon you must added at least one space before the code.</div>');
    var emo = function(emo, imgRep, emoKey) {
            .each(function() {
                .replace(/<br>:/g, "<br> :")
                .replace(/<br>;/g, "<br> ;")
                .replace(/<br>=/g, "<br> =")
                .replace(/<br>\^/g, "<br> ^")
                .replace(emo, " <img style='max-height:24px' src='" + imgRep + "' class='emo delayLoad' alt='" + emoKey + "' />"));
    emo(/\s:\)\)+/g, "", ":))");
    emo(/\s;\(\(+/g, "", ";((");
    emo(/\s:\)+/g, "", ":)");
    emo(/\s:-\)+/g, "", ":-)");
    emo(/\s=\)\)+/g, "", "=))");
    emo(/\s;\(+/g, "", ";(");
    emo(/\s;-\(+/g, "", ";-(");
    emo(/\s:d/ig, "", ":d");
    emo(/\s:-d/ig, "", ":-d");
    emo(/\s@-\)+/g, "", "@-)");
    emo(/\s:p/ig, "", ":p");
    emo(/\s:o/ig, "", ":o");
    emo(/\s:&gt;\)+/g, "", ":&gt;)");
    emo(/\s\(o\)+/ig, "", "(o)");
    emo(/\s\[-\(+/g, "", "[-(");
    emo(/\s:-\?/g, "", ":-?");
    emo(/\s\(p\)+/ig, "", "(p)");
    emo(/\s:-s/ig, "", ":-s");
    emo(/\s\(m\)+/ig, "", "(m)");
    emo(/\s8-\)+/ig, "", "8-)");
    emo(/\s:-t/ig, "", ":-t");
    emo(/\s:-b/ig, "", ":-b");
    emo(/\sb-\(+/ig, "", "b-(");
    emo(/\s:-#/ig, "", ":-#");
    emo(/\s=p~/ig, "", "=p~");
    emo(/\s\$-\)+/ig, "", "$-)");
    emo(/\s\(b\)+/ig, "", "(b)");
    emo(/\s\(f\)+/ig, "'", "(f)");
    emo(/\sx-\)+/ig, "", "x-)");
    emo(/\s\(k\)+/ig, "", "(k)");
    emo(/\s\(h\)+/ig, "", "(h)");
    emo(/\s\(c\)+/ig, "", "(c)");
    emo(/\scheer/ig, "", "cheer");
// Show alert one times!
        .one("click", function() {
        if (emoMessage) {
    // Click to show the code!
        .css('cursor', 'pointer')
        .live("click", function(e) {
            .after('<input class="emoKey" type="text" size="' + this.alt.length + '" value=" ' + this.alt + '" />');
        .live("click", function() {

kemudian cari kode ]]></b:skin> dan letakan kode berikut di atasnya
.emoWrap{ background:#ccc; border: 1px solid #333; margin:5px; padding:10px;}
4.Langakah akhir simpan template

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Terima kasih telah membaca artikel Maz Dani tentang Cara Memasang Emotion Keren Pada Blog dengan url, Semoga Artikel Cara Memasang Emotion Keren Pada Blog bermanfaat bagi diri saya dan anda.

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Ttd : Dani Setiadi